The main objective of the PNTS project is to support Romania’s involvement in the European strategic field of Microelectronics by revitalizing the national ecosystem in the fieldRead More »PNTS
The main objective of the PNTS project is to support Romania’s involvement in the European strategic field of Microelectronics by revitalizing the national ecosystem in the fieldRead More »PNTS
Optimising Positive-Energy Districts through Interoperable Digital Platforms OPTIX is a project that aims to optimize the energy performance of urban districts through interoperable digital platforms.Read More »OPTIX
Progressive Reduction of car dependency: cO-create solutions by integrating Micro-mobility,Infrastructure, and Smart policy in first/last milE travel and deliveries The PROMISE project aims to fundamentallyRead More »PROMISE
Energy Harvesting Collectors for Urban Road Pavement The Enhance Europe project deals with the application of an energy harvesting system consisting of an asphalt solarRead More »ENHANCE Europe
Sea Environmental Awareness and Guard enhanced with Unmanned AI Robotic Detection Illegal activities across external borders (land and maritime) are a threat to the securityRead More »SeaGuard
NetZeroCities supports Europe and in particular European cities to drastically cut down greenhouse gas emissions through climate action to achieve ‘climate neutrality’, one of theRead More »NetZeroCities
Wallachia eHub´s mission is to become the digital transformation gateway in the Region of South-Muntenia, Romania (RSM), by providing twin transition services and solutions toRead More »WeH
Twitter: @MuseionProject Preventive conservation of cultural heritage in times of climate change is a serious matter for heritage professionals, especially for countries with a largeRead More »Museion
Smardy will develop a research data marketplace for technology transfer built as a software and data carpentry (i.e., developing and teaching workshops on the mainRead More »SMARDY
Titlul proiectului: “Centru de Comunicaţii cu Clienţii de tip Cloud Computing” Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regionalã