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    The main objective of the PNTS project is to support Romania’s involvement in the European strategic field of Microelectronics by revitalizing the national ecosystem in the field of semiconductor technologies through the development and technology transfer of products and services for key integrating industries. As a result of the implementation of the PNTS project, distributed research and technological infrastructures will be able to ensure efficient coverage of the semiconductor value chain, implement industrial-academic projects, provide knowledge and technological services, carry out microproduction activities, as well as conduct educational and training programs. The project is implemented in partnership with five nationally representative research organizations:

    The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, INCD for Materials Physics, INCD for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, INCD for Technical Physics, INCD for Isotopic Technologies, and 21 innovative SMEs selected through a competitive and transparent process between September 2023 and January 2024.

    Estimated main results: 3 pilot lines: (1) Microfabrication of semiconductor devices; (2) Mask-less additive microfabrication; (3) Non-standard processes for obtaining functional thin films; 40 education and training sessions per year for students and industry specialists; 20 prototypes or demonstrators made according to companies’ specifications; 70 new technological services provided to the industrial environment; 30 innovative semiconductor systems with applications in automotive, energy conversion and distribution, space and security.

    Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2021-2027.