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    Twitter: @MuseionProject

    Preventive conservation of cultural heritage in times of climate change is a serious matter for heritage professionals, especially for countries with a large patrimony or at risk. The MUSEION project propose an IoT platform for monitoring of the museum environment and tackle these challenges.

    The project will build on the earlier work carried out by BEIA, SEACON and SAMPAS that focused on technologies for monitoring of environmental parameters, data storage, data processing and development of specific algorithms for data extrapolation and inference, data vizualisation, as well as on research performed by INCTDP-ICPI through its ARCH Lab on mechanisms governing the environment-related deterioration processes of heritage materials and risk assessment of air pollution impacts on CH assets.

    Phases and activities

    Stage 1. Usage scenarios and functional requirements of the MUSEION system 10/08/2021 – 30/12/2021 Activity 1.1 – Assessment of risks due to adverse effects of climatic conditions and air quality – in which contributions were made regarding the part of risks regarding adverse effects of climatic conditions and air quality, analysis of the importance of the critical risk factor (KRI), which allows a proper monitoring of the conservation conditions in the “Ion Minulescu and Claudia Milian” Memorial House, but also a study on the influence of climate change on environmental factors. Activity 1.2 – Market study – a market study was carried out regarding the set of IoT systems and platforms used in the field, which lead to a development of public-private partnerships to promote cultural heritage. The IoT approach to art conservation involves installing sensor nodes and Gateways to transfer data to the Cloud. The application of the IoT approach enables online monitoring and continuous surveillance of each work of art, given the access from the Cloud to the data recorded from electronic sensors, improving their safety and preventive conservation. Activity 1.3 – Analysis and definition of requirements. The design of the system architecture, the monitored environmental parameters were analyzed, as well as an analysis of the conservation records to identify important parameters in the conservation activity. Depending on the materials used (textiles, metals) in the making of works of art, the factors vary, so that certain objects of art have different physical and chemical reactions to the parameters present in the atmosphere. Maintaining a welcoming environment for both visitors and artifacts can be a challenge, as cold temperatures favor the preservation of historic objects by slowing the process of deterioration. Activity 1.4 – Mockups for various types of materials – detailed analysis of aging processes and identification of resin mixtures used to make varnishes. For these varnishes, mockups from textile materials from the “Ion Minulescu and Claudia Millian” Memorial House were selected. Activity 1.5 – Communication and dissemination of results – participation in conferences was presented, but also the creation of the project’s web page, as well as the Twitter page. Results During stage I, 5 relevant activities were analyzed together with the Romanian partner, namely the I.C.P.I. Institute.  A market study was carried out on the effects of climate change on the environment, but also on the negative risks of these climatic conditions, risks realized on the artefacts. The system architecture, the types of pollutants to be analysed in the project, as well as a market study on cultural heritage and existing IoT platforms were determined. Mockups were made for various organic materials, mockups that are important for heritage. Finally, the stage concluded with the dissemination activity in which the Twitter page of the project, the Internet page of the project, but also the participation in conferences of both parties involved in the project were presented. Dissemination activities Project page: Twitter: Participation in conferences:
    • Smart Cities International Conference (SCIC) – Preceding of the Smart Cities International Conference, edition 9 – the article Artifacts conservation using an IoT system was published. Cristina BALACEANU, Roxana ROȘCĂNEANU, Robert-Alexandru STRECHE, Filip-Emanuel OSIAC, George SUCIU, page 457
    1.2 Dissemination of I.C.P.I. results. Participation in national conferences – oral presentations
    1. Dumitrita Filip, Elena Badea, Cristina Carsote, Emanuel Hadambu, Iulia Caniola, Simona Paunescu, Revealing The History Of The Objects, A Synergy Between Restoration And Chemistry, 4th Museikon Restoration Workshop – Approaches and challenges in the restoration of Russian icons, Workshops of Museikon restoration, 4th edition, Approaches and challenges in the restoration of Russian icons, 29 – 30 September 2021, National Museum of the Union, Alba Iulia
    2. Elena Badea, Cristina Carșote, Lucretia Miu, Claudiu Șendrea – The contribution of the study of materials to the identification of the manufacturing methods of ancient objects, “Doina Darvaș” Conservation – Restoration Conference, XVth Edition, November 4-5, 2021
    3. Emanuel Hadîmbu, Maria-Simona Păunescu, Maria-Cristina Micu, Maria-Iulia Caniola, Cristina Carșote, Elena Badea – Innovative materials for the consolidation of historical and archaeological leather objects, “Doina Darvaș” Conservation – Restoration Conference, XV Edition -a, November 4-5, 2021
    Stage II. Development of the MUSEION system 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022 Activity 2.1 – Development of the specific components of the MUSEION system. Within this activity, the specific components of the MUSEION system for the acquisition, storage and primary processing of data were presented, which ultimately led to the project architecture. Within the MUSEION system, the part of communication protocols, data transmission, monitored parameters were described and analyzed. Activity 2.2 – Construction of the network of statistical sensors for air quality monitoring. As part of this activity, the construction of static sensor networks for air quality monitoring was implemented. The main sensor networks used as well as their characteristics were analyzed and described. Also within this activity, the location of the pilot where the monitoring process will be carried out along with the objects in the premises was presented.  Activity 2.3 – Creation of risk profiles for each type of material from the “Liviu and Fanny Liviu Rebreanu” Memorial House location, the aim is to evaluate the materials in situ and create risk profiles. Objects from document collections, graphics, oil painting, icons on glass, icons on wood, textiles and ceramics were identified and classified according to their sensitivity to the environmental conditions in the museum and the related risk.  Activity 2.4 Development of the specific algorithm for the calculation of the IAQ index, in this activity the algorithm for the calculation of the IAQ is developed, an algorithm in which the agents that dominate the deterioration rate of the materials, and critical risk indicators as well as the sensitivity of the materials to environmental conditions were analyzed from the “Ion Minulescu and Claudia Milian” memorial house. Activity 2.5 Artificial aging treatments of the mockups – in this stage artificial aging treatments are carried out. The selected materials were subjected to successive cycles of accelerated aging, using specific equipment. Activity 2.6 Widespread dissemination through national/international communication/publication of the results – the results are disseminated through scientific communications. Results During stage II, 6 relevant activities were analyzed. These activities were carried out together with the Romanian partner, namely the ICPI. The specific components of the MUSEION system for the acquisition, storage and primary processing of data were presented, which ultimately led to the project’s architecture. The description of the MUSEION system was also detailed along with the part of the communication protocols and the parameters that are monitored and the way of transmitting the measured data to the visualization process. The sensor networks used as well as their characteristics were presented. An important aspect was the identification of objects from collections of documents, graphics, oil painting, icons on glass, icons on wood, textiles and ceramics. These objects have been classified according to their sensitivity to the environmental conditions in the museum and the related risk. The development and verification of the algorithm for calculating the IAQ index contributed to the determination of the 12 critical risk indicators as well as the sensitivity of the materials to the environmental conditions in the “Ion Minulescu and Claudia Milian” memorial house. The subject of artificial aging treatments by performing accelerated aging tests has been described in detail. Finally, the dissemination part was addressed through participation in conferences and publications. Stage III. Testing and validation of the MUSEION platform under real operating conditions 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2023   Activity 3.1 – Development of system test scenarios in environments similar to real conditions – in the MUSEION project was successfully carried out in the test area of BEIA Consult International. This area located in the centre of Bucharest was strategically selected in the Vlăsiei Plain region to reflect a varied spectrum of geographical conditions. Using the Smart Environment Pro station and a wide range of calibrated sensors, meticulous testing was carried out to assess the accuracy, sensitivity and consistency of the system under different scenarios. Results obtained in the laboratory provided a clear insight into the station’s performance, including stability testing, pollutant exposure and simultaneous parameter operation. Through these tests, a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the system was obtained, thus contributing to the development and refinement of innovative technologies within the MUSEION project. Activity 3.2 – Implementation of the IAQ index calculation algorithm for the ENDUSER case study. The IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) Index has been defined as an essential measure of the air condition of an indoor space, having a direct impact on the health and comfort of users. Using the IAQ algorithm, the data collected was processed and analysed to provide IAQ scores corresponding to risk categories. These scores reflect the air quality according to the environmental factors assessed, and the results were displayed in the MUSEION solution management interface as graphs and tables.  Activity 3.3 – Testing, evaluation and validation of the functioning of the MUSEION system under real operating conditions, was a significant step in validating and evaluating the efficiency of the system under real operating conditions. The memorial house of the poet Ion Minulescu served as an authentic environment for testing MUSEION solutions. The location of the two monitoring stations, both inside and outside the museum, allowed for continuous data collection over a whole year. The results obtained reflected both the overall functioning of the system, from collection to presentation, and the detailed evaluation of the measured parameters. The Grafana visualisation platform contributed to the data analysis, providing a clear insight into the behaviour of the system under various conditions. The results validated the efficiency and robustness of the MUSEION solutions, demonstrating that the system is able to manage the variability of the environment and respond to the real challenges of daily use.  Activity 3.4 – Mock-ups catalogue , in this activity the algorithm for the calculation of the IAQ is developed, an algorithm in which the agents that dominate the deterioration rate of the materials, and critical risk indicators as well as the sensitivity of the materials to environmental conditions were analyzed from the “Ion Minulescu and Claudia Milian” memorial house. Activity 2.5 Artificial aging treatments of the mockups – In the mock-up catalogue, this work revealed that exposure to light radiation influenced the molecular composition of the mock-ups, made with photosensitive oils and pigments, simulating ageing by exposure to UVc light. FTIR-ATR analysis identified significant changes in the absorption bands of linseed oil and pigments, suggesting their deterioration. The results make important contributions to the understanding of degradation processes associated with the effects of light radiation. Activity 3.5 – Wide dissemination through national/international communication/publication of results – the results are disseminated through scientific communications. Results Phase 3 of the MUSEION project represented a comprehensive and innovative approach to testing and validating the MUSEION platform under real operating conditions. Activity 3.1 consisted of developing realistic test scenarios, carried out in a representative test environment, to evaluate and refine the performance of the system. Using the Smart Environment Pro station and various sensors, rigorous tests were performed to analyse the system behaviour under various situations and conditions.  Activity 3.2 of the project focused on the implementation of the IAQ index calculation algorithm, providing a sophisticated solution for indoor environment assessment. The definition of the IAQ index and the use of the algorithm to process the collected data enabled the provision of relevant IAQ scores, which were visualized in an accessible and easy to interpret form within the MUSEION platform.  As regards activity 3.3, the testing, evaluation and validation of the MUSEION system under real operating conditions confirmed the efficiency and robustness of the developed solutions. By placing the monitoring stations in an authentic environment, such as the memorial house of the poet Ion Minulescu, real and detailed data on the functioning of the system in various situations were obtained. The results validated the capabilities of the system to respond to the challenges of the real environment and to provide useful information for air quality management.  The MUSEION project has therefore successfully integrated these three complementary activities, strengthening the development and implementation of the system for monitoring and improving air quality in both indoor and outdoor spaces. The results obtained in these phases provide a solid basis for the future development and expansion of environmental monitoring solutions in museums. Stage IV. Monitoring of materials in dynamic relation to the environment 01/01/2024 – 09/08/2024   Activity 4.1 – Development of the protocol for monitoring the conservation status of artefacts in relation to the microclimate evolution – Development of electronic labels (ECL) for materials/objects/mockups – has made a significant contribution to the integration of modern technology in cultural heritage conservation efforts. It involved the development of a protocol for monitoring the conservation status of artefacts in relation to microclimate changes, and the development and implementation of electronic labels (ECL) for materials and objects in museums. As part of this work, a detailed classification of the categories of cultural objects in the museum collection was carried out, identifying the specific characteristics and conservation needs of each category, such as paintings, textiles, wooden and paper objects. These web pages provide detailed information about each artifact, including descriptions, their history and significance in the museum’s collection, as well as the critical parameters for their conservation and the nominal values associated with these parameters. Museum visitors can scan QR codes with their smart phones to access this information.Another major benefit of implementing e-tags has been the ability to view real-time data collected from the museum’s environmental sensors. This data is presented graphically on web pages linked to QR codes, allowing for constant monitoring of the conservation status of the artefacts. Activity 4.2 – Development of the protocol for monitoring the conservation status of artefacts – Warning system -The implementation of the alert system was done using the Telegram app, a strategic choice due to its versatility, being available both on mobile devices and on the web. The first step in creating this system was to generate a bot in the Telegram platform, called “Alerte_Grafana_bot”, through BotFather. This bot serves as an interface for sending and receiving alerts related to the status of artefacts in the MUSEION project. After the bot was created, it was integrated into a user group that receives alerts when sensor values exceed set thresholds. The integration of the bot with the Grafana platform allowed testing the communication between Grafana and Telegram. The tests confirmed the correct functioning of the system and the alarm messages, containing information about exceeded thresholds and relevant graphs, were successfully received in the Telegram app. For each parameter monitored by the sensors, such as temperature and humidity, specific alerts were created according to the preset thresholds. The alert configuration menu in the Grafana platform allows to set the alert name, the time of evaluation of the received values and the maximum allowed value for the selected parameters. The generated notifications are then sent through the channel created in Telegram, ensuring that the messages are meaningful and relevant to each alert.  Activity 4.3 – Development of the market study and exploitation plan, has made major contributions to the identification and evaluation of the potential market for the artefact conservation monitoring system. The market study revealed the need for an integrated and easy-to-use solution capable of providing real-time monitoring and alerts to prevent damage to artefacts in various cultural institutions. Through interviews and surveys with museum staff and art conservators, analysis of existing market reports and relevant case studies, we gained an in-depth understanding of market requirements. The competition was evaluated to identify existing solutions and analyse their advantages and disadvantages. The MUSEION platform, using state-of-the-art sensors and an accessible web interface, enables the monitoring of critical parameters such as temperature, humidity and air quality. Data collected in real time is analysed by advanced algorithms that calculate the Air Quality Index (AQI), providing a clear picture of conservation conditions. The MUSEION system is distinguished by real-time monitoring, automatic alerts and notifications, and detailed report generation. The launch and promotion of the MUSEION system will be supported by a digital marketing strategy, participation in relevant conferences and exhibitions, and collaborations with heritage conservation organisations.  Activity 4.4 – Living lab presentation and promotion of the MUSEION, the system, demonstrated the importance of collaboration and innovative testing in a real living or working environment by implementing a Living Lab in the memorial house of the poet Ion Minulescu.The Living Lab was equipped with two stations for monitoring essential parameters for the preservation of artefacts, located both inside the museum and outside. This allowed a comprehensive assessment of environmental influences on historical objects. The use of QR codes associated with specific web pages within the MUSEION platform gave visitors access to detailed information about each artefact, increasing interactivity and community engagement. By testing the functionality of monitoring stations and simulating various climate scenarios, the Living Lab allowed users to evaluate the effectiveness of the IoT system under real-world conditions. Feedback sessions with museum staff and curators provided valuable information for continuous improvement of the system design and functionality. Real-time data collection, monitored through the Grafana platform, facilitated continuous analysis and identification of potential risks to cultural heritage. Promotional materials produced as part of the project, including flyers, posters, presentations and videos, played a crucial role in increasing public visibility and involvement in the activities. Activity 4.5 Dissemination and communication, final results- the results are disseminated through scientific communications. Results Within Stage IV – Monitoring of materials in dynamic relationship with the environment within the MUSEION project, the integration of electronic labels (ECL) in the digital platform was an important step for informing users about the conservation of artifacts. This initiative aims to provide visitors with access to detailed and up-to-date information about the cultural objects on display, while strengthening efforts to preserve cultural heritage. Activity 4.1 concerned the development of a protocol for monitoring the state of preservation of artifacts according to the evolution of the microclimate, as well as the development and implementation of electronic labels (ECL) for materials and objects in museums. As part of this activity, a detailed classification of the categories of cultural objects in the museum’s collection was carried out, identifying the specific characteristics and conservation needs of each category, such as paintings, textiles, wooden and paper objects. A key aspect of the activity was the development of electronic labels in the form of QR codes, which were associated with specific web pages within the MUSEION digital platform. Activity 4.2 consisted of the implementation of the alert system was carried out by using the Telegram application, a strategic choice due to its versatility, being available both on mobile devices and on the web. The first step in creating this system was the generation of a bot in the Telegram platform, called “Alerte_Grafana_bot”, through BotFather. This bot serves as an interface for sending and receiving alerts related to the status of artifacts within the MUSEION project. Activity 4.3 made major contributions to the identification and assessment of the potential market for the Artifact Conservation Monitoring System. The market study revealed the need for an integrated and easy-to-use solution capable of providing real-time monitoring and alerts to prevent damage to artifacts in various cultural institutions. Through interviews and surveys with staff from museums and art conservatories, analysis of existing market reports and relevant case studies, we have gained a deep understanding of market requirements. In parallel with the realization of the market study, the operating platform of the MUSEION system was developed to serve as technological and operational infrastructure. Through a well-defined implementation and exploitation strategy, the MUSEION system provides advanced and integrated solutions for monitoring and protecting artifacts Activity 4.4 demonstrated the importance of innovative collaboration and testing in a real living or working environment by implementing a Living Lab in the home memorial of the poet Ion Minulescu. The Living Lab was equipped with two stations for monitoring essential parameters for the conservation of artifacts, located both inside the museum and outside. This allowed a comprehensive assessment of environmental influences on historical objects. The use of QR codes associated with specific web pages within the MUSEION platform gave visitors access to detailed information about each artifact, increasing interactivity and community engagement. By testing the functionality of the monitoring stations and simulating various climate scenarios, the Living Lab allowed users to evaluate the effectiveness of the IoT system in real conditions. Activity 4.5 – Dissemination and communication of final results In this activity, the results were disseminated through scientific communications. Participation in events
    • RomEnviroTech – during 11-13 April 2024, Beia presented at GREEN ENERGY EXPO & ROMENVIROTEC 2024 the MUSEION project with existing air quality stations at one of the most important events concerning renewable energies and environmental protection.
    • PoliFest – between April 18-21, 2024, Beia presented the MUSEION project together with the air quality stations at one of the most important educational events at the educational fair at the Politehnica University of Bucharest.
    Dissemination of results through joint articles
    • Presentation of the MUSEION project at the international professional conference: CSTI (Conservation Science, Technology and Industry) 2023 in Bratislava Castle, organized by the Slovak National Museum and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava from 21.03.2023. to 23.03.2023. The project was represented at the event by Elena Badea, founder and coordinator of INCDTP-ICPI ARCH Lab, who is the professional implementation manager. In her presentation, she talked about the threats to the exhibits, their management, the related objectives of the project and presented the concept of the completed solution and the results achieved so far in relation to the selected pilot location. Elena Badea (The National Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather, Bucharest), Cristina Carsote, Cristina Balaceanu, Oana Orza, Sabina Bosoc, Robert Streche, George Suciu, Zóra Barta, Valéria Tálai, Zsolt Viniczay: Understanding and Controlling the Environmental Quality in Museums through Conservation Science and IoT. The Results of MUSEION Eureka Project E!13370
    • Written Heritage: New Challenges and Perspectives, Krems, 2023, Online Conference of the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation and Restoration in cooperation with Conservators without Borders. The conference will take place on 2 and 3 November 2023, 100% online. Continuous real-time monitoring and analysis of indoor environmental quality in historic houses through the MUSEION platform developed within the Eureka E!13370 project, Elena Badea, Cristina Carsote, Cristina Bălăceanu, Oana Orza, Sabina Bosoc, Robert Streche, George Suciu, Zóra Barta, Valéria Tálai, Zsolt Viniczay
    Scientific articles
    1. D. Filip, C. Carsote, Zizi Balta, E. Badea, Study of old varnish recipes used by Transylvanian icon painters. Case study: reproduction and characterization of varnishes used in 18th and early 19th century icons from the Museikon collection. Apulum Magazine, 60, p.21 (2023).
    2. Dumitrița Daniela Filip, Cristina Carsote, Zizi Ileana Baltă, Paul Scrobotă, Elena Badea, Local sources of raw materials in the colour palette of Transylvanian icon painters. Reproduction of locally sourced coloured earth pigments, Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis, 15, 2023, ISSN: 2066-9143
    3. Dumitrița Daniela Filip, Cristina Carșote, Zizi Ileana Baltă, Paul Scrobotă, Elena Badea, Materials and painting technique of icons on wood from Transylvania in the 18th century, in Catalogue of the exhibition Materie și icoană, Ed. D.D. Filip, Mega Publishing House, Cluj Napoca, ISBN 978-630-6548-08-8, p. 19-96
    4. Balta Zizi Ileana, Carșote Cristina, Popa Maria, Elena Badea, The hidden secrets of an ancient icon revealed by multi-analytical methods of analysis, Journal of Restoration, Conservation and Investment of the National Museum of Romanian History, edition 2023, forthcoming.

    Dissemination activities Project page: Twitter: Dissemination of results through joint scientific communications in international conferences
    • S. Bosoc, F. M. Enescu, O. Orza, E. Hanganu, C. M. Balaceanu and G. Suciu, “IoT system using Blockchain in the conservation and promotion of Cultural Heritage,” 2022 14th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI ), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ECAI54874.2022.9847411.
    Joint-article publication in SCOPUS indexed proceedings
    • Elena Badea, Cristina Carsote, Cristina Mihaela Balaceanu, Oana Orza, Sabina Bosoc, Robert Streche, Zóra Barta, Valéria Tálai, Zsolt Viniczay, Understanding and Controlling the Environmental Quality in Museums through IoT: An International Research and Practice Collaboration to Support Museums in the Implementation of Climate Action – 9th edition of the conference entitled International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, 26 – 28 October 2022, DOI: 10.24264/icams-2022.W.1
    • Organization of the MUSEION Workshop, An IoT-based system for understanding and controlling the environmental quality in museums: an INTERNATIONAL Implementation as interaction of RESEARCH, PRACTICE, AND CURRENT EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL, online event, on October 26, within the conference international ICAMS 2022 (The final program can be viewed on the web page:
    Dissemination of results through common articles Participation in national conferences
    • Dumitrița Daniela Filip, Cristina Carșote, Elena Badea, Study on the aging behavior of varnish, Museikon restoration workshops with the theme “Varnishes”, 5th edition, 5 October 2022, Alba Iulia
    • Dumitrița Daniela Filip, Cristina Carșote, Elena Badea, Pigments specific to Transylvanian icons painted in the 18th-19th centuries, Annual Scientific Session Dedicated to the National Day of Romania “Unity, Continuity and Independence in the History of the Romanian People”, 24-25 November 2022, National Museum of the Alba Iulia Union.
    Participation in international conferences
    • Badea, C. Carsote, E. Hadimbu, C. Benvestito, J. Kodrič, Restoring a restored manuscript: old challenges and new approaches. The Case of St. Mark’s Books, 6th CHEM-CH International Congress – “Chemistry for Cultural Heritage” 2022, July 4-8, 2022, Ravenna, Italy
    • Badea, C. Carșote, D. D. Filip, E.l Hadimbu, I. M. Caniola, S. M. Păunescu, The Russian Icons’ Collection of Museikon: A Study of Materials and Techniques for Understanding the Process of Transfer and Reception of Russian Religious Art in Transylvania, 6th CHEM-CH International Congress – “Chemistry for Cultural Heritage” 2022, July 4-8, 2022, Ravenna, Italy
    • Cristina Carsote, Elena Badea, Maria Iulia Caniola, Emanuel Hadîmbu, Simona Maria Paunescu, Noemi Proietti, Valeria Di Tullio, Zoltán Sebestyén, Zsuzsanna Czégény, Leather and Parchment Preservation – The Power Behind Coupling of Analytical Methods and Data Fusion, al 6- 10th CHEM-CH International Congress – “Chemistry for Cultural Heritage” 2022, July 4-8, 2022, Ravenna, Italy
    • The project partner NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE FOR TEXTILE AND LEATHER – RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR LEATHER AND FOOTWEAR (INCDTP-ICPI), had the opportunity to present the challenges and results of our Museion project as a speaker in CSTI  (Conservation Science, Technology and Industry) 2023 scientific conference in Bratislava Castle between 21.03.2023. and 23.03.2023. The theme of the year is the interdisciplinary research and protection of cultural heritage. See the presentation here.

    Social Media

    Twitter here.

    „This work was supported by a grant of the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, CNCS/CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P3-3.5-EUK-2019-0211, within PNCDI III”.